Institutional Change through Teaching and Learning Centres

Thank you for attending the 2nd International Paedagogium Platform Conference! Your involvement in the development of pedagogical competences at higher education institutions is greatly appreciated.

For those who were unable to attend the conference, and for those of you who wish to revisit the conference presentations, video recording is now available on YouTube:

Conference Presentations

Rick Huizinga: Average Tops Excellence? Navigating strategic choices in university teaching development

Rikke L. von Müllen: Research-Teaching Integration. Strategies and Outcomes

Paula Miles: Developing a Community of Education-Focused Academics through Teaching & Learning Centres

Sarah Leupen: Communities of Practice: Creating Connections Across the Faculty

Lucie Rohlíková: Flexibilní formy vzdělávání akademických pracovníků

Petr Sucháček and Karel Doleček: Improving teaching quality through facilitated discussion

Nataša Perovič: Supporting Programme Development in UCL: ABC Learning Design as a pedagogic intervention

Bartlomiej Michalowicz: Digital Competence Centre – improving teaching by improving e-courses

Eva Janebová: Professional Learning Communities in the Czech Context: Czech and international colleagues learning together

Angela Maria Prataviera: 4EU+ Centre for Innovative and Digital Teaching and Learning

Thank you for your support and active contribution to the discussions. Your involvement has created a space for valuable exchange of experience and will contribute to further improvements in the field of higher education pedagogy.

For any queries, please contact:  

Mgr. Bartłomiej Wróblewski   
vice-chair of the Paedagogium platform
Centre for Lifelong Learning
Rector’s Office of Charles University
mobile: +420 771 277 692 

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